One of my HXrs has suddenly developed a problem; It suddenly stopped reading the USB stick.
A week or so ago the LH HXr stopped reading the USB stick (BTW the stick worked just fine the RH HXr). True on 2/2 flights.
The stick was not read in either the remote socket or directly plugged in to the USB socket where the remote is attached.
I sent Jeff an e-mail and he asked me if I tried the USB stick in the 2nd internal socket. I had not thought of that.
I made another trip to the airport and fired up the HXr. It read the USB stick just fine from the remote socket, so I did not try the 2nd internal socket.
Today I went out to go flying and on 2/2 legs it did not read the USB stick. The USB stick from the LH HXr worked just fine in the RH HXr.
I was so disgusted when I got back I just left the airport and will try the other internal USB socket tomorrow.
Anyone have any ideas?