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SAP for IFR operations

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:11 pm
by billfear
I finished up my Instrument Competency Check last night with my CFII in the RV7a. Of course he made me do everything without the autopilot and I found that the Synthetic Approaches in the GRT significantly simplifies hand flown approaches in the sensitive little RV7a.

Just wondering how many folks are using the SAP approaches as either primary on GPS approaches or back-up on ILS/LOC approaches in real instrument conditions. Would like your inputs on your experiences and pointers on how you are using this very cool tool in the GRT units.

Thanks in Advance!

Re: SAP for IFR operations

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:53 pm
by 330drvr
I am confused. Why use SAP for a GPS approach? Use the GPS (and the flight director). SAP is great in visual conditions, but it is not usable (in my humble opinion) in IMC conditions except in an emergency. It provides no terrain or obstacle clearance.

By the way, I disagree with your CFII about autopilot use. I personally think the autopilot use should be encouraged, not prohibited. Single pilot IFR is difficult enough without using all available aids. My airline (I am now retired) REQUIRED use of the autopilot in IMC conditions on non precision approaches.

Re: SAP for IFR operations

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:33 pm
by Bobturner
SAP does not guarantee terrain clearance. Make sure you use the approved (gps, ils, etc) data for staying on course.
The obvious answer to the autopilot question - and required by the instrument PTS - is that your cfii should have required you to show competance both with and without the autopilot. Many cfii's assume that if you can fly without it that you're good to go, but in fact there's enough button pushing that it takes practice to use the autopilot.

Re: SAP for IFR operations

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:28 pm
by billfear
CFI flys with me often. He knows I know how to the use the autopilot. He is a 29000 hour TWA captain and strongly endorses the use of the autopilot in IFR operations. What I meant was that I was not using the autopilot during the IPC.

I had read a post by Paul Dye where he was explaining that he likes the HITS boxes much better than a flight director. The reason is that HITS shows you what you need to do in the future, FD only shows you where the plane needs to be flown right now. When flying an ILS, the GRT allows me to display both my SL30 indicators AND the GPS derived HITS boxes (which are mapped to the ILS course). I have found that the HITS boxes make the hand flying very simple (heading, pitch,power) to keep the needles centered.

Same with lateral guidance on the GPS approach.

Just wondered how other were using it.