I'm loving my dual GRT HXr set and am glad I went with you guys rather than Garmin. Thanks for developing such a nice EFIS system.
I'd like to request some additional features for the HXr…
* Be able to rename analog inputs and associated bar graphs (e.g., amps and amps2 to Batt and Alt)
* Voice alerts for all alerts (RPM high/low, EGT temp, etc).
* Conditional warnings via analog inputs (on-screen and voice), examples: 1) Canopy switch based on if open/closed and airspeed. 2) Flaps down when V_FE exceeded.
* Both EGT and CGT temps simultaneously shown on same real-time graph
* Ability to upload a different alert tone wave file (the little "blip" is not always as discernable as the "whoop" for a low voltage alert) like we can do for voice alerts.
* Accommodation for non-linear response in trim indicator (even just via defining the coefficients for a simple spline model).
* Be able to use both the PDF plates (from the DownloadPlates scripts) and Seattle Avionics' geo-referenced VFR sectionals. It appears that the HXr will ignore the plate PDFs when the geo-ref'd Seattle Avionics VFR data are available.
* Controllable delay on g meter display.
* Ability to silence traffic alerts for a specified time period (very useful for ground operations) via softkey.
* Show graphical representation of runways when selecting the details of airports.
* Show a graphical representation of runways in the corner of the PFD that rotates in relation to actual alignment.
* Add and toggle airport field elevation display in map.
* Option to always power-on to full brightness mode.
Thanks for considering my thoughts.