AHRS2/Magnetometer 2 - Error "Not receiving maint

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AHRS2/Magnetometer 2 - Error "Not receiving maint

Post by hplevyak »

In trying to calibrate my AHRS2/MAG2 I'm receiving the following error message. "Not receiving maint data. Check serial output."

Can you suggest my debug sequence and how I should go about investigating why I'm getting this error message?

I was able to calibrate AHRS1/MAG1 fine with no issues. I'm on EFIS SW 6c, and AHRS SW .43.

GlaStar N19HL
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Re: AHRS2/Magnetometer 2 - Error "Not receiving maint

Post by GRT_Jeff »

Like the Altimeter Calibration problem, this is also caused by a problem with the output from one of the EFIS screens to the AHRS. Only one screen can have an output wire to the AHRS, and usually in a multi-screen system, the first screen controls AHRS 1 and the second screen controls AHRS 2. The maintenance data is used to fill in all the fields on the AHRS Maintenance page. Check the AHRS Maintenance page and switch to the problem AHRS. If some of the lines are grayed on the left side of the screen, and blank where there should be numbers, the AHRS is not receiving the request for that data. Make sure one of the Serial Outputs is configured for that AHRS on one of the screens. If the serial port is configured properly, check the output wire from the screen to the AHRS.
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