Green text upper left hand side - what is it telling me?

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Green text upper left hand side - what is it telling me?

Post by maniago »

I see "TRAFFIC" and "ADSB-0 (or 1,2,3,4)" show up in this upper left side of the screen in Green text, near the AP boxes. I'm guessing the HXr is trying to tell me good things, but where can I read about this in the manuals? (I searched RevB and any of the other docs + HX docs, but didnt find anything).

What exactly is this areas purpose? ....what other text messages might appear here; ......are there other color schemes for the text that would tell me something I should know?

Thanks for any help.
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Re: Green text upper left hand side - what is it telling me?

Post by GRT_Jeff »

"TRAFFIC" means it has traffic input from any source. Some inputs tell us if the service is unavailable so it may change to yellow and say the traffic data is getting old or unavailable. "ADS-B #" means there is an ADS-B input and is usually shown instead of just "TRAFFIC". For ADS-B we count the number of ground towers received from recently and display that as "ADS-B #", which means you are receiving ADS-B ground tower signals from that many towers. If it says "ADS-B 0" that means an ADS-B receiver is communicating with the EFIS but no towers were received, which is normal on the ground. Signals received directly from other planes aren't counted. There is a brief mention of the "TRAFFIC" indicator in our GTX330 supplement, and there's a brief description of the "ADS-B" indicator in our ADS-B receiver supplements, such as the Stratux one I just updated (Miscellaneous Documentation).
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